About API / SDKs

API key
Single-call and two-call APIs


In this section, you will see details of our API and SDKs.

Api is located on https://api.machinesense.net/.

API is of REST-API type, and as such all the calls are standard for a REST-API. Structures sent and received are in JSON format.

SDKs are related to our client-side (browser-based) Web-Assembly (WASM) components and our mobile apps, which you will find as generally available on Google Play and Apple App Store.

WASM components are written in C++ and compiled to WASM, and are ready to be used in your own client-side implementations.
WASM standard is supported by all major browsers, and is a standard for client-side code execution. It differs from traditional JS components in that it is compiled (and not possible to be disassembled), and much quicker in execution.
In some cases, such as -for example- scanning and processing of ID-documents, it is important to have this speed of execution in order to be able to execute many iterations of image-processing in small amounts of time.

API key

API key is a unique identifier of your account. It is used to identify you as a customer/partner, and to connect your account to the calls that you make to our APIs. You will need it before you attempt to make any call to our API.
You can find your API key in your partner-settings section of your account.
Your API key operates as a test-key until you're satisfied with the results and until you are exploring our API. There is a limit on 300 API calls monthly by default, which we can extend to your particular needs if you contact us.
At the moment of switching to production-level (becoming a billing-relationship customer), this API key will be switched to production-level, and you will be able to use it without any limitations.

In order to get your API-key, you must first create an account.

After that, you will find your API-key(s) in the "keys" section of your account, after logging-in.

Single-call and two-call APIs

MachineSense APIs are in some cases executed as single-call, and in some cases as two-call.

Single-call APIs are the ones where you call our servers from your back-end, provide your API-key, call-options and data to be processed. You than expect the result of that call to be returned to your endpoint (webhook) specified in your partner-settings configuration section, or directly in the call-parameters.

Two-call APIS are the ones where data-sending (such as face-image, id-document image or voice-sample, etc.) is performed from the client-side (from your webiste or a mobile app). In order to connect the processed data from this submission and send results to you, our customer/partner, in a secure and meaningful manner, we must connect your account (through API-key) and this particular instance of processing to you. Additionally, you also need to identify the results in connection to one or more of your subjects/end-users.
In order to achieve that - two steps are needed: 1) To call our API to get a session-id, and 2) to pass that session-id from the client-side to our service in order to identify a particular call, or pass to the user for input in a mobile app or client-side component. After that, you expect response to some of your urls/webhooks.
One of the handy features here is that in step 1. you can pass also some "free-form" data, such as user-id, or any other data that you might need to identify the end-user and this call. This data will be returned to you in the response to your webhook, so that you can connect the results to the end-user on your back-end side.

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