Demos and Code-Samples

Full KYC demo
Face-capture client-side preparation
Demonstration of WASM components in operation
Operational voice demos
NFC KYC demo
Age-detect example

Full KYC demo

Full KYC demo on

This demo will walk you through the entire process of setting up and executing all the steps in a KYC scenario with face enrollment and verification.
It will also show you the necessary code (ready for copy/paste) to implement the same in your own application. It will explain how to use the MachineSense API: API-key, Session-ID (and how to obtain it, how to start a session and how to pass it to your client-application), how to send the captured images to the MachineSense API, how to get the results, etc.

Steps are as follows:

  • Provide API-key
  • Create an active session from your server
  • Pass the session-ID from your server to your client-application
  • Initialize either one of the web-assembly components or the direct process
  • Perform KYC and biometric scans and send them to MachineSense APIs
  • Get the results and interpret them

Face-capture client-side preparation

In this section - instructions on how to capture end-user's face image in the browser and send it in the proper format to the MachineSense service, for either enrollment or verification.

Live face capture example
Download zip file (31 KB)

Live face capture example with automatic capture
Download zip file (5.1 MB)

For examples to work, you should allow access to your camera when prompted.
View page source and/or inspect, to see the code and do copy/paste into your implementation.

Detailed explanation of client-side browser-based capture process:

  1. Working with camera input
  2. Capturing a face image
  3. Detecting face-size and position for auto-capture

For details on API calls, see Face enrollment or Face verification sections of the API documentation.

Note: The code in the examples is for demonstration purposes only, and is not entirely production-ready.
You should implement your own code, and make sure that the image is sent to your server, and from there to MachineSense API if performing enrollment or verification service.

Voice-capture client-side preparation

In this section - instructions on how to capture end-user's voice in the browser and send it in the proper format to the MachineSense service, for either enrollment or verification.

Voice capture example

Demonstration of WASM components in operation

KYC with scan demo (WASM demo).

Barcode scan demo (WASM demo).

Operational voice demos

MachineSense voice enrolment and verification demo on

Simple voice demo with immediate results, English, also on

Simple voice demo with immediate results, Spanish, also on

NFC Demo

Demo Android mobile app (native) for reading NFC data.
You should allow install from sources not in PlayStore.

Download demo app APK
(do this on your Android mobile phone / tablet, it will not work on iOS /iPhone, iPad etc./ or desktop computers)

Age-detect example

Start age-detect example

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